Macarons are the perfect Passover treat. And I just made them even better! I was inspired by Momofuku Milk Bar’s Christina Tosi’s famous Cereal Milk. Why not use infuse the milk with matzo instead, I thought. Well, I thought right! Use Matzo Milk as the custard base for silky German Buttercream filling. (First time making this ahhhmazing, not-too-sweet, absolute-new-favorite buttercream!) I mean—matzo flavored buttercream, how could that be bad??! Top with Marcy’s Magnificent Matzoh Caramel Crunch—now all over the internet as “matzo crack.” It was created by Master Baker and my mentor Marcy Goldman and copied by thousands (most of whom don’t even give her credit). Oh, and pop a piece in the middle for extra crunch and flavor. (Extremely picky) Hubby said they’re the best thing I ever made! 😊 How to make them? Macarons are extremely finicky to make, so I’m not even going to give you my recipe. If you have a tried-and-true recipe, use that one (so you can’t blame me for them being cracked or misshapen or feet-too-big or feet-too-small). Though however they look, I promise they will still be delicious! I started out making Joy of Baking’s Macarons but I like Preppy Kitchen’s detailed recipe/video. (see resources/details below for all the components) Let me know if you have any questions. Please share this recipe and post pics and tag @OrnaBakes if you make them! Happy Passover! Xoxo Resources: (Add ½ teaspoon vanilla bean paste or extract to the whipped whites (Seep the matzo for 30 – 40 minutes until you can taste the flavor) (Reduce vanilla bean paste or extract to 1 teaspoon so it doesn’t overpower the matza flavor) (Use Guittard half milk, half semi-sweet chocolate chips; Chill in the freezer until firm and place pieces in a Ziploc bag; pound with a rolling pin. Separate into small pieces for middles and crumbs for top)