For years people told me that Aja should be on a baking show, and I always said a hard “no way!” (I mean why would I put her—or myself—through that?) But when they contacted me after seeing her cakes on my Instagram, it sounded like a fun opportunity, and we were in! You’ve all seen Aja’s amazing cakes, but what you didn’t know is how long it takes to create those masterpieces. This elevated piano cake for Sam’s birthday last year took her 3 days! Aja and best friend Ella had FOUR HOURS to complete a two-tiered, anti-gravity cake PLUS two video challenges. Let me tell you—watching your kid compete live on a monitor from the next room is not for the faint of heart. (There isn’t enough rescue remedy or camomile tea in the world to get you through that!) These extraordinary 11-year-olds worked their little tushies off to prepare and I could not be prouder! Irony: After 3 years of remodeling my kitchen (and myself!) The Acorn chose an old picture in our messy rental house for the article 🤦♀️ (I know, I know, the girls are adorable and it’s not about me or my kitchen!) But I still feel compelled to share this picture of them practicing in our new kitchen 😉 Read about their experience on the show in Monique Gonzalez’s wonderful article in The Acorn Newspaper: Follow @ajajasminep on Instagram for more baking/singing/acting/makeup Follow @ornabakes for more Aja/recipes/inspiration Watch Aja & Ella (#MusicalMacaronettes) on Disney’s Magic Bake-Off on Friday, September 17th at 8pm PST on the Disney Channel. The show will be available on Disney Plus on September 29th. 🎂 🎂 🎂 🎂 🎂 🎂